-- UPDATE CRYONIC - 1.12 - 6/9/24 --

-- UPDATE CRYONIC - 1.12 - 6/9/24 -- 

- Freezes asterisks for one second 
- Pierces through tiny asterisks 
- Unique sfx 
Added new Gamemode UI design 
- added menu button 
Added heal orbs to Charge ability 
- Appears when an asterisk dies by its radius
 - Touch to gain 10 hp 
- Disappears after 2 seconds
Added mini-explosion to Teleport ability
 - When teleported, spawns a mini-explosion
 - Explosion heavily damages asterisks caught in its radius
 Changed Drone Ability spawntime temporarily (for this update) 
- Decreased spawntime (20-40 > 20) Changed Drone designs 
Balanced Disasters 
- Decreased Space Invaders speed (10 > 7) 
- Gravity Shift now increases Asterisk Speed (1.5 > 4)
 Nerfed Droids
- Decreased damage (10 > 7) 
- Decreased speed (10 > 7)
 - Warning sign now doesn't damage the starship 
Nerfed Minijet speed (1.5 > 1.3) 
Disabled mines temporarily
Disabled Laser Drone temporarily 
Fixed gravity shift moving player after dying 
Fixed teleport UI icon changing to ability icon 
Fixed drone still appearing after revival
Fixed BG lighting up after dying to Binarium when starting a new game


AS TER ISK v1.12.html 74 MB
19 days ago


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